Košarkaši Mega Bemaxa su veoma dobro započeli ABA Super kup 2017 u Bar pošto su u četvrtfinalu savladali Igokeu sa 83:72 pa ih u petak 22. septembra od 18:45 očekuje polufinalni meč sa Cedevitom.

Bek Mega Bemaxa Dilan Enis je bio najefikasniji na meču sa 23 poena a na pres konfenciji posle meča je istakao da se Igokea pokazala kao težak protivnik:

– Igokea je težak protivnik, nisu se predavali ni na minus 20 već su se borili do kraja. Ovo je moja prva zvanična utakmica u ABA i zadovoljan sam kako je sve proteklo,

izjavio je Enis.

Trener Mega Bemaxa Dejan Milojević je istakao da veruje da će oscilacije u igri biti manje kako liga bude odmicala:

– S obzirom na mladost ekipe svake godine, normalne su oscilacije u igri. Pokušavam da te oscilacije svedem na razuman nivo međutim, mi smo mlad tim, prvo smo iz minus 5 otišli na plus 10 pa onda egal. Posle toga iz plus 20 i onda maltene otišli na egal. Kako bude liga odmicala, verujem da će toga biti sve manje i da ćemo ovakve utakmice gde smo bili bolji od protivnika mirnije privesti kraju,

rekao je Milojević a potom na pitanje novinara o narednom meču, izjavio sledeće:

– Cedevita je jedna od najkvalitetnijih ekipa u ligi i prava provera za nas da vidimo gde smo u ovom trenutku. Dajemo sve od sebe u svakoj utakmici i sviđa mi se odnos čitave ekipe. Ako zadržimo energiju koju imamo, ona će nas odvesti tamo gde želimo.

Za kraj, na konstataciju novinara da je hala u Baru srećna za njega, Milojević je odgovorio:

– Sviđa mi se da igram u ovoj hali, sjajna je dvorana. Nije mi ostala u prijatnoj uspomeni 2010. jer smo izgubili od Turske košem o tablu u poslednjoj sekundi, kada sam bio tim menadžer sa reprezentacijom. Posle toga imao sam mnogo utakmica ovdje i dobijao. Bar je košarkaški grad i biće puna dvorana kada su utakmice Mornara,

završio je Milojević.

Foto: Mornar/Media Pro

Mega Bemax’s basketball players started the ABA Super Cup 2017 in Bar after finishing in the quarterfinals with Igokea with 83:72 and expecting a semi-final match with Cedevita on Friday, September 22 from 18:45.

Defending Mega Bemax Dilan Enis was the most effective at the match with 23 points and at the press conference after the match he pointed out that Igokea proved to be a tough opponent:

– Igokea is a tough opponent, they did not give up on the minus 20 but they fought to the end. This is my first official game in ABA and I am happy that everything has passed,

Enis said.

Coach of Mega Bemax Dejan Milojević pointed out that he believes that the oscillations in the game will be less as the league is going:

– Given the youth of the team every year, there are normal oscillations in the game. I’m trying to get you oscillations to a reasonable level however, we are a young team, first we went from minus 5 to plus 10 and then egal. After that, from the plus 20 and then the mortar went to the egal. As the league lifts, I believe that it will be less and that such games where we were better than the opponents will be more peaceful,

said Milojevic and then asked the journalists about the next match, he said:

– Cedevita is one of the highest quality teams in the league and a real check for us to see where we are at this moment. We do our best in every game and I like the whole team. If we hold the energy we have, it will take us where we want.

Finally, on the statement by the journalist that the hall in Bar is happy for him, Milojević replied:

– I like to play in this hall, it’s a great hall. It did not keep me in a pleasant memory of 2010 because we lost Turkey from the table on the board in the last second, when I was a team manager with the national team. After that, I had a lot of games here and I got it. At least it is a basketball city and it will be full of hall when the matches of the Mornar,

Milojevic finished.

Photo: Mornar / Media Pro